Team building exercises don’t have a good reputation. You announce a team building event and watch the eyes roll. Do you remember the last time your so-called-team-building-exercise was a success? Long ago, right?
Many of us look at these activities just like others – time wasters. Let’s just shun this notion for a while and think about the tremendous possibilities these team building exercises can offer in an organization.
A great leader will always see these activities as an opportunity to combine work with fun. They know how important these team- building activities are in the workplace. There’s a reason why successful managers and leaders love to incorporate these activities every now and then. These team building activities play a pivotal role in building teams. These activities help the team members to learn the greatest virtue – TEAMWORK.
Andrew Carnegie has said:
“Teamwork is the ability to work together toward a common vision. The ability to direct individual accomplishments toward organizational objectives. It is the fuel that allows common people to attain uncommon results.”
Besides developing teamwork, we have made a list of 7 reasons why leaders love to incorporate team-building activities into work.

Reason 1. Improves Communication
Every team activity requires you to communicate effectively with your teammates to accomplish a task. It allows them to interact with other employees from the same as well as different departments. It opens an out of the norm line of communication which helps them to shed all inhibitions. This helps in creating a platform where every team can interact and communicate with others easily. Thus, a successful team-building activity will surely mean a more comfortable workplace environment for any company – large or small.
Reason 2. Better Camaraderie
Team building activities are a great way to develop friendships and healthy professional relationships at work. These activities allow you to socialize and gel with others. In fact, for a new joinee, such team bonding events can be the best ice-breaker. It allows them to make a place for themselves without even trying to do so. These team bonding activities make a way for them to develop a bond with their colleagues leading to a better workplace. Team-building activities not only narrow down the communication bridge but can also lead to more creative workplace ideas.
Reason 3. Promotes Problem-solving Skills
Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success – Henry Ford
Most often, team building exercises require co-workers to solve a problem together. This encourages them to think out-of-the-box to develop different ways to find a solution to a challenge. Moreover, these activities promote brainstorming and fosters collaboration at the workplace. Practicing solving problems will create a team of individuals who are able to find solutions when problems ascend or even think strategically to avoid problems.
Reason 4. Creates New Leaders
In most teams, there are one or more leaders. Such team building activities are a great way to spot leadership streaks in your team mates. These activities give them enough opportunities to display and utilize their leadership qualities in the best possible manner. These activities can boost their morale and can inspire them to take up a leadership role in future as well as leadership is all about creating new leaders. Thus, team building exercises can be used to develop more leaders in an organization.
Reason 5. Improved Performance
Team bonding events like activities are designed to motivate the team members to pool their talents and perform at their best as individuals as well as team players. Team members discover that trust, cooperation and effective communication are the keys to a team’s success. Such activities not only encourage individual development but bring all members together to achieve a common goal.
Team-building activities provide upbeat and powerful team experiences allowing companies to compete effectively by enabling staff at all levels to work as true team players.
Reason 6. Infuses Fun at Work
The very purpose of leaders incorporating these team building activities is to infuse some fun at workplace. They believe that all work and no play can produce many unproductive and dull Jacks at the workplace. Such activities give them a reason to look forward to work with more enthusiasm. Mixing fun with the work can be a great stress-buster for employees fed up with their monotonous routines.
Reason 7. ‘i’ Becomes ‘we’
The essence of team bonding events is to make people learn the importance of teamwork in an organization. Michael Jordan has put it right, “Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence win championships.”
They learn that the best way to do something is to do it together as there is no such thing as ‘one man show’ in a winning time. These activities help them to be a team player not just at the workplace but also in life.
Such team building activities are amazing initiatives taken by companies or organizations to make the workplace fun and engaging for employees. Even, ProofHub loves to spice things up by integrating team bonding events sporadically in our day to day activities. Such activities refresh and energize the employees, which creates an atmosphere at workplace more productive and fun. So, what are you waiting for? Head out for some fun with your team!
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