New in ProofHub: Access Reports faster, Tap ‘Enter’ to submit comments, and more

Access Reports faster Tap Enter to submit comments and more

1. Get a project’s report quickly right within the project and go to the project from its report in a single click.

Project Report

Project Report

2. Access a project’s report faster from the go to menu.

3. Edit time entries as required while saving them from a timer.


4. Add timesheets while adding a tasklist or even while adding time from anywhere.

5. You can now right click and open a project in a new tab to help you while managing multiple of them.

6. Now filter activities by project in the All activities section.

Filters - All activities

7. Now see the project start or end date or both right ahead of the project name.

Project Start or End Date

8. Choose to use the Enter key to either submit your comment or add a new line.

Enter Key

9. Now you can take group actions to move people to any group, suspend them, restore or delete them from ProofHub while multi-selecting them in People section.

Group Action

10. You can also take group actions to download, move or delete multiple files in Files section.

Group Action - Files

11. Use Ctrl/Cmd+S instead of Ctrl/Cmd+F to find what you’re looking for in ProofHub.


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